Category: How-Tos & Tips

A Comprehensive Guide to Offer Letters, Appointment Letters, and Employment Contracts

Know when to use offer letters, appointment letters, and employment contracts in the hiring process.

Christian Nwachukwu
Learn about the roles and timing of offer letters, appointment letters, and employment contracts in the hiring process.

Puffery: The Good, the Bad, and the Legally Fuzzy

Learn the difference between harmless exaggeration and false advertising.

Christian Nwachukwu
Learn the difference between harmless exaggeration and false advertising.

Independent Contractor Pitfalls: Crafting a Contract That Protects Your Business

Is your ‘contractor’ really an employee? Protect your business with the right contract.

Christian Nwachukwu
Is your 'contractor' really an employee? Protect your business with the right contract.

Essential Clauses for Your LLC Operating Agreement: Building a Solid Foundation

Don’t rely on defaults! Must-have clauses to tailor your LLC’s operating agreement.

Christian Nwachukwu
Don't rely on defaults! Must-have clauses to tailor your LLC's operating agreement.

Can a DBA Protect My Personal Assets? The Truth Small Business Owners Need to Know

Think a DBA protects you? Think again. Get the truth about personal assets…

Christian Nwachukwu
Think a DBA protects you? Think again. Get the truth about personal assets...

The Heart of a Solo Practice: How to Build Client Loyalty

Transform clients into champions for your solo practice with these proven strategies.

Christian Nwachukwu
Transform clients into champions for your solo practice with these proven strategies.

Why Mandatory Retirement Isn’t the End: Embracing New Chapters as Of Counsel and Beyond

Mandatory retirement? Explore Of Counsel roles and find new purpose in your legal career.

Christian Nwachukwu
Mandatory retirement isn't the end. Discover fulfilling senior roles as Of Counsel and beyond.

​New York Rebates: Keeping Your Ads Honest and Customers Happy

Know the rules for rebate ads! Get clear on price, payout, and fees.

Christian Nwachukwu
Advertise rebates in NY? Make sure your ads are clear, honest, and customer-friendly.

How to End a Contract the Right Way

Contracts not working out? Learn how to break a business deal the right way.

Christian Nwachukwu
Contracts not working out? Learn how to break a business deal the right way.

Why Ignoring Background Checks is Like Driving with Your Eyes Closed

Bad partners = bad business. Background checks are your insurance policy.

Christian Nwachukwu
Partners can be as risky as employees! Don't skip background checks.

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