Free Legal Documents

Save time and money with free legal documents and contract templates, expertly drafted by TalkCounsel attorneys.

  • Trademark Assignment Agreement

    Trademarks & Copyrights

    A Trademark Assignment Agreement is a written document that legally transfers ownership of a legally recognized trademark.

  • Photo Release Form

    Trademarks & Copyrights

    A Photo Release Form is a legal document that grants permission for the use and distribution of photographs or images that may include identifiable individuals. This form serves as a formal agreement between the photographer or the entity responsible for capturing the images (the "Photographer") and the subject or subjects in the photographs (the "Participant" or "Model"). The main purpose of a Photo Release Form is to obtain consent from the individuals depicted in the photos to use the images for specific purposes.

  • Service Contract Template

    Commercial Contracts

    A service contract is between a client that agrees to hire a service provider for work. Under such employment, the service provider will be acting as a 1099 independent contractor and under an at-will arrangement. This allows either party being able to terminate with sufficient notice.

  • Independent Contractor Agreements

    Commercial Contracts

    An independent contractor agreement is between a contractor that performs a service for a client in exchange for payment. The contractor is not an employee of the client.

  • Co-Working Space Lease Agreement

    Commercial Contracts

    A co-working lease agreement allows a tenant to lease office space that is being shared and rented by other businesses.

  • Office Space Lease Agreement

    Commercial Contracts

    An office lease agreement is a legal document between a landlord and tenant that will be occupying space for non-retail use. The space is generally suited for occupations such as accountants, attorneys, real estate agents, or other related fields where clients are welcome for professional consultation.

  • Stock (Shares) Purchase Agreement Template

    Commercial Contracts

    A stock purchase agreement is between a buyer seeking to buy shares of a company for a set price from a seller. The agreement details the number (#) of shares, price ($) per share, and date of the sale.

  • Breach of Contract Cease and Desist Letter Template

    Commercial ContractsOther Legal Services

    A breach of contract cease and desist letter is sent to a party that has entered into an agreement and has violated the terms resulting in damages to the claimant. This letter is commonly used when the defendant is in violation of an employment or non-compete agreement.

  • Meeting Minutes Template

    Other Legal Services

    Meeting minutes outline the subject matter of a meeting, including all topics of discussion as well as votes. It is not a transcript but should contain all details for absent members.

  • Corporate Bylaws Template

    Business Formation

    Corporate bylaws outline the ownership structure, business operations, and management of a corporation.