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  • Medical Power of Attorney (MPOA) Form

    Other Legal Services

    A medical power of attorney form (MPOA) allows a person (“principal”) to select an agent to make health care decisions on their behalf. This agent’s powers go into effect only after the principal is considered not able to make their own decisions (incapacitated). The agent selected must follow the principal’s preferred treatment options as written in their Living Will.

  • Intellectual Property Cease and Desist Letter Template

    Other Legal Services

    An intellectual property cease and desist letter is to give notice to an individual or entity that it is using proprietary information without the consent of its owner. The letter will threaten to the recipient that unless they stop all usage of the intellectual property a lawsuit may be brought against them. The infringing party will have a set time period to respond to the party that sent the letter to either claim that they’ve stopped using the intellectual property or defend their rights to their rightful use of it.

  • Internship Contract Template | Employees and Students

    Other Legal Services

    An internship contract allows an employer to hire an intern that agrees to work on an unpaid basis. The intern agrees to provide their services in exchange for on-the-job training, experience in the field, and educational credits (if applicable).

  • Release of Liability | Hold Harmless (Indemnity) Agreement

    Commercial ContractsOther Legal Services

    A release of liability, ‘hold harmless agreement’ or ‘indemnity agreement’, is a legal document that indemnifies an individual or business entity from legal and/or financial responsibility. Although, this is usually limited to negligence on behalf of the party being held harmless. If the release is being signed after the event took place, such as a car accident, the releasor may be paid money to sign such an agreement. Who are the parties involved? Releasor – The person releasing the other from a liability. Releasee – The person being released from liability.

  • Release of Personal Guarantee

    Commercial ContractsOther Legal ServicesReal Estate

    A Release of Guarantee Form is a document that allows a guarantor to free themselves from being financially and/or legally bound to a contract. This is common for loan agreements and lease documents after expiration or when the contract has been fully satisfied. The release is recommended, although not required, to be signed in the presence of a notary public. Who are the parties involved? Guarantor – The party that is seeking the release. Releasor – The party that is giving the release.

  • Loan Agreement Template

    Commercial ContractsOther Legal Services

    A loan agreement is a written agreement between a lender that lends money to a borrower in exchange for repayment plus interest. The borrower will be required to pay back the loan in accordance with a payment schedule unless a balloon payment is required.

  • Family Loan Agreement Template

    Other Legal Services

    A family loan agreement is made between a borrower and lender that are related by blood or marriage. It is set up to be a simple agreement between the parties that outlines the money borrowed and the repayment terms. Generally speaking, interest is not commonly charged between family members. If it is, the lender cannot charge more than the Usury Rate allowed in the state where the parties reside.

  • Software Development Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

    Commercial ContractsOther Legal Services

    A software development non-disclosure agreement (NDA) allows a company to safely share confidential technology with a third party. This is common when working with a contractor that agrees to help improve or collaborate on the owner’s software. If the contractor shares the software information, they could be liable for legal and financial damages.

  • LLC Operating Agreement

    Business FormationCommercial ContractsOther Legal Services

    An LLC operating agreement is agreed to by the members of a company and outlines its ownership, management, and each individual’s roles. Therefore, it’s highly recommended after the formation of a company that the members write and sign an operating agreement.

  • Single Member LLC Operating Agreement

    Business FormationCommercial ContractsOther Legal Services

    A single-member operating agreement is a document written for a limited liability company (LLC) with only one (1) owner. The form is to be used to help solidify the LLC’s status as a separate entity from the owner’s personal assets. The owner’s role in the company, as well as any officer(s), registered agent, manager(s), and any other positions, should be listed. Once completed, the document should be held at the principal place of business and is not filed with any government office.