Calculating Completion Time: A Guide to Three Point Estimation Technique for Legal Projects  

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by Christian Nwachukwu
March 7, 2023
Calculating Completion Time: A Guide to Three Point Estimation Technique for Legal Projects for attorneys






As an attorney, you know that time is money. When completing a legal project, every minute counts, and delays can be costly. That’s why accurately estimating completion time from the outset is essential. The three-point estimation technique is a powerful tool to help you do just that.

What is Three Point Estimation?

Three Point Estimation is a statistical technique used to estimate the time required to complete a project. It’s based on the idea that every project has a range of possible outcomes, each with a probability of occurring. By considering the best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios, the three-point estimation technique provides a more accurate estimate of completion time than traditional methods.

The three-point estimation technique involves three key components:

  1. Optimistic Estimate: This is the best-case scenario, assuming everything goes perfectly.
  2. Pessimistic Estimate: This is the worst-case scenario, assuming everything goes wrong.
  3. Most Likely Estimate: This is the estimate based on past experience and current knowledge.

Using these three estimates, you can calculate the expected completion time using the following formula:

Expected Completion Time = (Optimistic Estimate + 4 x Most Likely Estimate + Pessimistic Estimate) / 6.

For example, let’s say you’re working on a legal project that involves drafting a contract. Your optimistic estimate is two days, your pessimistic estimate is ten days, and your most likely estimate is five days. Using the formula above, the expected completion time would be:

Expected Completion Time = (2 + 4 x 5 + 10) / 6 = 5.33 days.

Recommendation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Work Breakdown Structure for Legal Projects

Tips for Accurate Time Estimation

Here are some tips that can help attorneys accurately estimate the time required for legal projects using the three-point estimation technique:

  1. Break down the project into smaller tasks: It is easier to estimate the time required for smaller tasks than to estimate the time needed for a larger project. Breaking down the project into smaller tasks will also help you identify potential obstacles and delays in advance.
  2. Use past experience: If you have worked on similar projects in the past, use that experience to estimate the time required for the current project. This will help you make more accurate estimates based on past performance.
  3. Consider the availability of resources: The availability of resources, such as staff, technology, and materials, can have a significant impact on the time required to complete a task. Ensure to consider the availability of resources when estimating the time required for a project.
  4. Involve team members: Involve team members working on the project in the time estimation process. They may have valuable insights into the project that can help make more accurate estimates.
  5. Allow for contingencies: Contingencies, such as unexpected events, delays, or changes in scope, can occur during the project. Include a buffer time in the estimate to account for such contingencies.
  6. Review and update estimates: Review and update the estimates regularly as the project progresses. This will help identify potential delays or changes in scope and adjust the estimates accordingly.

How Can Three Point Estimation Help You as an Attorney?

As an attorney, you know that completing a legal project on time is essential. Clients expect timely delivery of their legal services, and failure to meet deadlines can damage your reputation and even result in legal action against you. The three-point estimation technique can help you:

  1. Plan your projects effectively: Using three-point estimation, you can plan your projects more effectively, considering the best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios. This can help you allocate resources and manage your time more efficiently.
  2. Improve your accuracy: Traditional estimation techniques often rely on gut feelings or incomplete data, leading to inaccurate estimates. Three-point estimation provides a more accurate estimate of completion time, reducing the risk of delays and cost overruns.
  3. Manage client expectations: Clients expect timely delivery of their legal services, and delays can damage your relationship. By using three-point estimation, you can set realistic expectations and communicate your estimated completion time more effectively to your clients.
  4. Increase your profitability: Completing legal projects on time and within budget is essential for profitability. With three-point estimation, you can reduce the risk of cost overruns and delays, ensuring that your projects are completed on time and within budget.


The three-point estimation technique is a powerful tool that can help you as an attorney plan your projects more effectively, improve your accuracy, manage client expectations, and increase your profitability. By considering the best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios, you can provide a more accurate estimate of completion time, reducing the risk of delays and cost overruns. As a result, you can improve your reputation, strengthen your relationships with clients, and increase your profitability. So, start using the three-point estimation technique today and take your legal practice to the next level. 






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